!! Car Games !! Car Games !!
Okay I've been meaning to post this one for a while now. I've been doing a fair it of driving in the last 6months to a year. Most importantly (I expect), I've had company. There fore car games!! car games!!
The first one, I kind of did at the start by my self, but with someone else to do it with the process gets so much more formalised.
Game One: The TLA game
This game is an I.T. geek game. :-D. The main part of the game is to come across car and recognise Three Letter Acronyms in the license plate number. Having said that, the game kind of .. expanded. The easiest thing to do is to show you how to score.
There are two scoring planes, the real plane and the imaginary plane... You can get 1-5 points in wach plane.
Scoring in the Real Plane
- A non-I.T. related acronym is a single point (like VCR)
- A non-I.T. related word is worth 2 points (like PEN, TOO, CAT, BAT, RAT)
- An I.T. related acronym is worth 3 points (i.e. PPP - Point to Point Protocol)
- An I.T. related word is 4 point (TUX, FAN, ALT are all fine)
- A car with the Letters 'TLA' (being the name of the game scores 5 real points)
Scoring in the Imaginary Plane
- An acronym spelt backwards is 1 point
- A word spelt backwards is 2 points
- An I.T. abreviation like CTL or TAB or INT (control, tabulate, interrupt) is 3 imaginary points
- A -- I've forgotten i'll get back to ya
- The Letters 'TLA' backwards (ALT) can either be 5 imaginary points, or 4 real points (being the I.T. word ALT)
Game Two: The Vowel game
This game is not in the geek only realm as the first was. So naturally I suck at it. This game is scored by inserting vowels in to a license plate that you come across to make words, or common phases that everyone else in the car agrees with is a common phrase.
You can insert consanants as well but at the cose of 1 point per consanant.
Each vowel that you have to introduce in to the license plate number is 1 point Each consanant that you have to introduce in to the license plate number is -1 point Existing letters in the numer plate are not scored
Thats it My car games blog !!
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