Saturday, August 05, 2006

Cheat is the Ladybug of Knowledge Base programs


It was one of the things I wanted to do by the time I was 30. I started 11/2 weeks after I turned 30, close enugh as far as I'm concerned, I was more worried that it would nerver happen and it did. Tell me you say? The suspense is killing me you say? Well. . . . I started my first sourceforge project!!! Oo yeah!
I'm going to skip the conversation (albeit more a speech, passage or ravings if you will) about whether or not this is really exciting. I can create a usefull thing people find out about it start using it and I just gave them a free present. I like that, I've used enough free software, I'd like to be part of the overall thing not just the receiving end. (Okay maybe I wont skip it)

I could have contributed to an existing proect etc. etc. etc. but a friend at work came to me, wanting to install a cost free knowledge base program and he'd not found anything that was really impressive (or particuarly easy to install either, grrr). I did some more searching for these things and found more programs but only one was in the realm of flexible and feature full. So since I was past my dead line and really, I don't think it'll be the hardest thing out there to write, I made the call. That night registered the project to sorceforge.

CHEAT stands for Comprehensive Heirarchical Environment for Answering Things. I've created the prototype database, I've done a very quick and nasty home page, and now I'm painfully trying to sortout how to drive CVS. I've always avioded CVS as my attempts to understand it have always been feeble. I managed to upload things to it but unfortunately I uploaded the parent directory rather than the directory I really wanted up there. one day I'll write some code :-)


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